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DIY Couch Pillows

Making your own DIY couch pillow covers is a fun and rewarding project allowing you to explore new skills and add your own flair of creativity to your home.



Fabric of your choice (enough to completely cover your pillow inserts)

Pillow inserts

Sewing machine or needle and thread


Measuring tape


Iron and ironing board



Step 1: Measure Your Pillows

Measure the dimensions of your pillow inserts. Note the width and length measurements. Add 2.5cm (1 inch) to each measurement for seam allowance.

Step 2: Cut Fabric

Lay your fabric out flat. Use your measurements to measure the amount of fabric needed. You will want to measure out the width of the pillow (plus 2.5cm), and twice the length of the pillow (plus 2.5cm for seam allowance). Measuring twice the length of the pillow will give you enough fabric for both sides of the pillow cover. Once measured, cut your fabric.

Step 3: Pin Fabric

Place the two fabric pieces together with the patterned sides facing each other. Pin around the edges to secure them in place.

Step 4: Sew Edges

Using a sewing machine or needle and thread, sew around the edges of the fabric pieces, leaving one of the shorter ends open. Use a straight stitch and backstitch at the beginning and end of your sewing to secure the seams. Be sure to sew with a 1.2cm (½ inch) seam allowance.

Step 5: Trim Excess Fabric

Trim the excess fabric from the corners to reduce bulk and help the corners lay flat when turned patterned side out.

Step 6: Turn Patterned Side Out

Turn the pillow cover patterned side out through the opening you left in the seam. Use a pencil or chopstick to gently push out the corners and edges.

Step 7: Iron

Iron the pillow cover to smooth out any wrinkles and creases. Be sure to fold in the raw edges of the opening so they are aligned with the sewn edges.

Step 8: Insert Pillow

Insert the pillow inner through the opening in the pillow cover. Fluff and adjust the pillow as needed to fill out the cover.

Step 9: Stitch Opening Closed

Use a needle and thread to hand stitch the opening closed with a slip stitch, or if you prefer, you can topstitch the opening closed with a sewing machine.

Step 10: Enjoy Your Custom Pillow Covers

Place your newly created pillow covers on your couch and enjoy the cozy and personalised touch they add to your home decor!

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