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Easy summer scents

Stovetop potpourri is a delightful and easy way to fill your home with inviting scents. It involves simmering a mixture of aromatic ingredients on the stovetop, releasing a pleasant fragrance throughout your living space. 


SUMMER SWEETS – the perfect balance of sweet and cozy, these ingredients will fill your home with the aroma of raspberry and white chocolate muffins.  

4 sliced strawberries 

4-6 raspberries or black berries 

4 fresh basil leaves 

2 tablespoons of vanilla extract 

4 cups of water 


SUNSET DREAM – like dancing under sprinklers or picnicking in an orchard alley, this classic combo will bring back your favourite summer memories. 

2 sliced oranges 

2 tablespoons of vanilla 

4 cups of water 



Place all ingredients in a large pot with water and bring to a low heat to release fragrance. Keep on low heat and top up water as needed. Make sure to turn off stove if leaving pot unattended.


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