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For everything Ruralco and Real Farmer

In this update, we will be looking at what is happening on farm over the next three months regarding agrichemicals. We will be looking at cereals, ryegrass, white clover, and fodder beet.
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As farm businesses begin to calculate their annual total on-farm greenhouse gas emissions, FAR is receiving a number of questions around annual crops and sequestration. The most common ones are: Can arable crops be included in carbon sequestration? If not, why not? How come it’s different in other countries?
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In the past months, the ability of New Zealanders to access and afford quality fresh food has been increasingly challenging, to the point the phrase “cost of living crisis” has been interchangeable with “soaring food prices.”
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There are several factors that contribute to low magnesium (Mg) levels in pasture and stock. Soil and herbage testing can provide an insight into low levels so they can be addressed before impacting farm production.
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Fantastic camaraderie, lots of deals being done, and great attendance rates were a winning formula for an excellent Ruralco Instore Days according to Ruralco CEO Rob Sharkie.
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Phillip and Jocelyn Everest, Paul Everest and Sarah Hayman of Flemington Farm have been named 2022 Regional Supreme Winners in the Canterbury Ballance Farm Environment Awards.
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Sharkie and his Ruralco team are going into new territory via an innovative national campaign called: "Farm­ers. We've Got Your Back". 
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“Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business, it’s that simple.” Richard Branson originally said this, and for Rob Sharkie, Ruralco’s CEO this is where the magic happens. “For Ruralco, the mental health and wellbeing of employees is integral to our strategy. The Ruralco leadership team have been working on how to ensure we make meaningful progress in this space and have it ingrained within the future of our business. We know that getting thi...
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Driven by producing a quality product, not commercial gain, it’s Glen Whyte’s attention to detail that sets him apart in producing world class venison.
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Based at Lowburn on the banks of Lake Dunstan, the Lawrence’s have been part of the district’s winemaking community for over 20 years.
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