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For everything Ruralco and Real Farmer

Aching joints, sore back, uneasy sleep and recurring irritability may all seem unrelated, but in fact could be linked to how the body is being fuelled and what it is doing other than being pushed day in day out to keep working on the farm.
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Kiwi ingenuity, mixed with a healthy dose of organisation, means Otago’s Angela Scott has simplified her calf-rearing operation so she’s farming more effectively with less labour.
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With spring fast approaching and most winter crops finishing up, now is the time to start making decisions around pastural renewal. If you are looking for a top performing perennial ryegrass that combines high dry matter production with exceptional quality, then look no further than Platform AR37.
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Protecting spring sown pasture from grass grub assumes new importance this season, following research findings reported late last year.
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Selecting a perennial ryegrass that both performs and persists under the pressures of our unique New Zealand environment is a challenge for many farming systems. SF Hustle delivers on production and its features will be sure to impress on farm.
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Herbage testing for micronutrients (trace elements) supports animal health and production.
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Cereal plantings have continued through the winter and preparation for early pasture renewal is underway. There have been minimal forage crops planted at time of writing and this is a reflection on the previous year when there was little benefit in planting early due to the later spring
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Ecotain® environmental plantain - a new tool in the toolbox for on-farm environmental management while maintaining productivity
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Agrichemical manufacturers back the government’s mandate to take environmental responsibility for their products at the end of their useful life.
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In this issue of the Agri-link, we will be looking at what is happening on-farm over the next 3 months regarding agrichemicals. The focus will be on cereals, ryegrass, white clover, and fodder beet.
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