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For everything Ruralco and Real Farmer

Ruralco staff have dug deep in a short time, relocating to homes for work, establishing distancing at critical Farm Supplies Stores and realigning the business to continue serving shareholders.
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Tony Coltman and Dana Carver of Canlac Holdings have been named the Canterbury Supreme Winners in the Ballance Farm Environment Awards run by the New Zealand Farm Environment Trust.
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“Water is the forgotten source of bacteria and pathogens on your farm.”
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Autumn is finally upon us after a summer that took a while to heat up, bringing with it some late dry periods over the past two months. This late temperature reduced moisture reserves causing some stress on pasture growth with the soil temperatures remaining high.
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For the next three months our focus for agri-chemical is on the following; fodder crops, pre-emergence sprays on autumn sown crops, grass grub control in pasture, and use of gibberellic acid to increase pasture growth.
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Farmers looking to prolong the longevity and health of their lucerne stands have a new weed control option available this season with the launch of Debut from Nufarm.
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A new project is investigating fertigation’s potential for irrigated pastoral farms.
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For the Currie family of Methven, the capacity for hard work, the love of family and the mental discipline to stay positive is paying off on the farm, in the gym and on the world multi-sport and triathlon stages.
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New Zealand’s primary sector prospects enjoyed an upbeat march for the first half of the farming year and appear to be holding their own for what remains of the second half of the season.
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There is a minefield of information out there around wellbeing in the workplace, strategies for this, policies for that, but as a business how far do you take it?
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