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Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge - Early Bird Entry Extended until 11 October 2020

The Longbeach Coastal Challenge committee are excited to extend the Early Bird Entry until the 11th October 2020, meaning participants have more time to save on the entry fees and are still in the draw to win a retreat for two at the fabulous Te Wepu  Intrepid Pods.  

With so many sporting and community events having to be cancelled, the Longbeach Coastal Challenge Committee are grateful to be back in Level 1 and are focused on delivering another on successful event, on Sunday 29th November, with some exciting changes to the course. Chairman, Matt Galbraith said “If you've been a regular runner, walker or mountain biker at the event, you'll be excited to know that over the past few months there has been some tractor work, ensuring some new additions, which will enhance the challenge!”  

So, whether you are ready to run, walk or mountain bike, are coming for an event with the family or ready to compete for a title, we’re looking forward to seeing you there!  



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