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Harnessing the power of daily habits



"The Five Ways to Wellbeing can make a huge difference to your wellbeing whether you're a farmer or a professional athlete. Adopting healthy habits has a positive, cumulative effect over time and makes you much more resilient. My message to farmers is find out what works for you and 'lock it in'."

Sam Whitelock, Farmstrong Ambassador


Focusing on daily habits helps manage pressure when the going gets tough says Farmstrong ambassador Sam Whitelock.

Farmstrong’s all about making your wellbeing a priority in a mentally and physically demanding job. I’ve been its ambassador since 2016 and what I like best about the programme is that it’s so practical. It provides a ‘toolkit’ of things busy people can actually do to increase their wellbeing.

I’ve seen first-hand how well its solutions work for rural people when they choose to adopt them. Last year, over 14,000 attributed an increase in their wellbeing to Farmstrong. Why are farmers and growers making these changes? Because they know to get the best out of your farm or orchard, first, you need to get the best out of yourself. That’s true of any results-driven business, whether you’re a farmer or a rugby player like myself.


The science of wellbeing tells us that people with a strong sense of wellbeing share five simple habits – staying connected with others, keeping the body moving whether it’s gardening, going for a run or bike ride or playing sport, taking time each day to enjoy the simple pleasures rather than focusing on the big picture all the time. We all get busy, and our minds get cluttered with all kinds of stuff, learning new things to stay fresh and giving back to their friends and community.

You could tick them all off by organising one enjoyable activity a week, like coaching kids sport or catching up with your neighbours or getting off farm to go hunting or fishing or attend a community event.

I’ve made the Five Ways part of my life and I encourage you to do the same. They definitely help to provide balance, support, and a sense of perspective when the going gets tough.


We also encourage farmers and growers to look after the basics like getting enough quality sleep, ‘fuelling up’ with the right foods, staying hydrated and scheduling some downtime. When people get busy these things tend to fall by the wayside, but as one farmer told us recently, no one can run a marathon on adrenalin alone.
Whether you’re playing elite sport or farming, it’s important to schedule time to mentally and physically ‘recharge the batteries’.


What the science tells us is that mental health is just like physical health. It can be good or bad. If we think about mental health as a continuum from minus five to plus five. Minus one to minus five means people are feeling stressed, anxious, depressed or not coping. That’s where most discussion usually ends and that’s what needs to change.

We need to start focusing on the positive—the zero to plus five—so we start building people’s resilience. Zero to plus five might involve activities such as adopting the 5 Ways, looking after the basics even during busy periods, exploring our mindset and learning flexible thinking strategies so people have the mental fitness to cope with change and pressure.

Farmstrong’s main message is that as individuals and workplaces there is always something within our control that we can do to make today and tomorrow better, no matter how challenging the circumstances might be.

Making regular ‘investments’ in things that boost your wellbeing now means you’ll have something to ‘draw on’ when times are tough.


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